Sally Molloy
Mystical Banality with Mountains in the Distance
7 October - 16 November 2023
Opening event: 2-4pm Saturday 7 October
'Mystical Banality with Mountains in the Distance is an exploration of ongoing colonisation from the site of my backyard. These new works come from my non-indigenous body which lives and moves on the never-ceded-but-stolen lands of the Jagera and Turrbal peoples in north-west Brisbane/Meanjin; they are products of the sweaty reality of my existence. Using ideas, images, objects and materials sifted from my home and surroundings I attempt to play-with-and-stay-with colonisation. There are no answers or solutions here, but rather, a provisional ‘backyard critique’ of colonisation characterised by unresolvedness, intimacy, humour, awkwardness, and improvisation.'
Sally Molloy is a Brisbane/Meanjin based artist.